Focus and Attention to Detail are the Keys to Success

Tom Modeen
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Focus on Details Makes the Difference for Successful Entrepreneurs

Back when Barbara Streisand was directing the movie, Yentyl in 1983, she insisted that all actors in the cast wear period-accurate undergarments when on the set. She was asked why she did this, as those undergarments never appeared on camera. Her answer was focus and attention to detail create an environment for the actors to truly get into character. Yenyl won two Academy Awards that year.

Another striking example of focus and attention to detail comes from a gentleman I greatly admire when he ascended to the position of President of a large drug wholesaler company. For the first several weeks in his new role, he took the time to work alongside employees of the company and fulfill the tasks that they are assigned to in their position. This ranged from ordering product with buyers, picking product for shipment in the warehouse, riding with the drivers in the delivery trucks, taking customer service calls and handling accounting responsibilities.

By the time, he completed his “apprenticeship” this gentleman knew, intimately, the various components that comprised the engine of this business. As a side benefit, it made him deeply appreciated by the employees. On the larger picture, he ultimately grew that business by over 30% during his tenure.

If you don’t care, why should I?

Quoting Thoughtful Leader, “Attention to detail matters, because if you don’t seem like you care, why should I?”  Further information on the matter can be found here:

Think Outside the Box???


We have all suffered through the ramblings of managers deciding that thinking outside the box is a strategy for greater success. Surely, innovation is fundamental to growing a business. Unfortunately, many of these “forward thinkers” don’t even know how to find the box to begin with.

Building Focus and Knowledge in An Organization


Focus means sales staff spend the necessary time to clearly understand the needs of the potential customer. A great sale is one that will not only drive revenue, but benefit all parties, as well. If a potential sale is not a good “fit,” it should be gracefully abandoned.

Customer support staff must be expert in their product knowledge and understand that any customer call is also an opportunity to drive more business. Prompt and professional responses to issues provide the gateway to delighting that customer.

Tech Republic provides some good pointers on effective customer communication:

Missed Deadlines


Promised deadlines are also critical. It is a responsibility to “get in front” of a potential missed deadline and communicate, with logical justification. If you know the details, it makes for a well-presented case.  Everyone must learn to be a responsible communicator.

Stating the Obvious?


It should be. Yet, every one of us becomes frustrated with products and services we have chosen. It is those companies that go out of their way to take the time to really understand their customers and their needs that deserve our business. That defines focus.

Einstein defined genius as 2% inspiration and 98 % perspiration. We should all be so wise!


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