Industry News

Cyber … Part IV Apps and Privacy

Application (App) security. The following excerpt or observation if you will, is highly relevant to our multiple global crises and how this relates perfectly to our topic, app privacy.  A […]

Tools Of The Trade

A Compelling Case for Automating Pharmacy Workflow

It would be a perfect world if incoming prescriptions flowed efficiently and accurately from intake to finished product. Rather than follow a straight line through the dispensing process,  many of the prescriptions […]

Healthcare And Business Perspectives

Navigating the Maze: DIR Fees

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) created Direct and indirect remuneration (DIR) fees as a way to track the annual amount of drug…

Ask Dr S

Growing Need to Detoxify Our Body System

With the advancement of technology there are now more things that negatively affect our health and our environment.